Inspired Spaces by Devon Domanski.
When Dave and I first talked about working together, we were at Evergreen Brickworks (http://ebw.evergreen.ca) for Saturday market. We hiked one of the trails, sat atop a ravine, and were taken with the setting; something so organic in the middle of a great urban city. We were impressed with the creative use of indoor/outdoor space, and overwhelming sense of community. And the true pièce de résistance? The PASSION the owners had for their businesses. It quickly became inspiration for the way we aspired to approach our work. This, and future trips to the market, really had us feeling like this was a space that motivated us.
As I attempt to set up my own workspace at home, I try to remember this feeling from the Brickworks. But despite experiencing time in a space that sparked so much creativity, I struggle with actioning my office set-up. There’s a room in my home I jokingly call “The Hoarder’s” room; it’s supposed to be my office, but instead, I’m using it as a storage space, and work from my dining room or coffee table. While neither of the two table options are really ideal or inspiring, I have difficulty implementing a plan to turn that room into my inspired workspace. I know the value of setting a ‘work stage’; create a space to feel inspired and motivated, then I’ll increase productivity. I have ideas for the room, but I suppose I fear setting it up ‘wrong’ …or maybe I’m just overwhelmed by the endless inspiration Pinterest offers!
I’ve talked to Dave about the woes of setting up this office, and he’s offered me a lot of valuable insight as a coach. He’s challenged me to consider the things I want in the space: how I want to use it; what inspires me; identify things I believe are holding me back from making this happen. With Dave coaching me, I’m putting together an action plan to design the room and start working in it by the end of February. This will no doubt be a journey, and I look forward to sharing it, and the end result, with all of you. I’m starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel, and am returning to that state of excitement I once had when we first visited the Brickworks.
I’m curious… what space do you feel most inspired and/or productive in, and how would you translate those important elements into a permanent solution for yourself?