Nature’s Reset by Devon Domanski.
For many of us, September serves as a reset in both our personal and professional lives. The don of the fall season is a significant marker for a lot of things: back-to-school, closing the cottage, end of camp, the Vogue September issue (sorry – we’ve all got our things!), and new routines.
I personally celebrate a birthday in September and use this time to really evaluate things in my life. What am I doing really right? How can I do better? What do I need to change? Where am I now versus where I’d like to be? Why?
I think I find this process less intimidating than New Year’s resolutions and easier to commit to my goals – I’m shooting for attainable here, folks! Once I set my goals, I aim to check in with myself each season to see how I’m doing to try to keep myself on track.
So as you witness the days getting longer, the leaves turning colour, and the school bus rounding the corner for another year (don’t forget to yield!), consider taking a page from nature’s book and reset yourself. Or at the very least, have some cake and think of me.