We’ve been to events that make us yawn and yearn for the comforts of our sofa and a glass of wine in hand. On the flip side, events that are planned and executed with great attention to detail make an impact, with the guest walking away with a lasting impression of your brand.
HAVE A VISION. It is important to really be able to picture the event; walking through it one step at a time will give you the clarity you need. Once you are comfortable with each event element you can confidently communicate your vision to your client and suppliers.
THE PERFECT TEAM. On the night of the event, put someone in charge of each individual event element. This will free you up to float the event and trouble shoot where necessary. The people you trust and who truly understand your vision will ultimately make your event a success.
IT AIN’T OVER TILL IT’S OVER. Planning the event is one step to a successful event; a seamless execution is another. Even after your guests have arrived, the music is playing, and everyone is ready to have a great time, don’t get too comfortable. The show isn’t over until the curtain falls on the final act.
GET YOUR HANDS DIRTY. With a great event comes hard work, and sometimes dirty work. Get ready to challenge yourself and lead the team by example. The job will get done faster and you will gain respect from your colleagues and clients in the process.
PROBLEM SOLVING. Any seasoned event planner will tell you that not every detail goes as planned. With those inevitable hiccups, it is critical to keep a calm demeanor, and be ready to react quickly. Have the problem solving part of your brain activated and ready to be thrown into action. There is a solution to every problem!
CELEBRATE! After all the preparation and attention to detail, it’s important to reflect on the experience. Thank your event team and suppliers for their hard work and dedication and give yourself a well-deserved pat on the back.
DEBRIEF. Complete a post report on the event detailing key learnings and improvements. This tool will help prepare you even more for your next event and can serve as a report that you can proudly present to future clients.
FINALLY. Thank your client for the opportunity to bring their event to life and as a special touch, share pictures to leave a lasting impression.
Emily Gondosch, EDGE 3 Contributor