When I was kid we would go on long summer vacations. The whole family would pile into our wood-paneled station wagon and we would head south. Before we hit the highway, my Dad would remind us that we were going on an adventure. You see, if he called it a vacation, we may expect perfection, whereas on an adventure, we embraced the unknown.
And there were plenty of unexpected turns. I recall my mother in the passenger seat buried in unfolded maps and tourist brochures expertly navigating the conversation between directions and sibling rivalry in the back seat.
Some of the biggest mishaps from our road trips have become fond memories that my family still talks about today. Surprisingly, those difficult moments created a shared experience that bonded us together. Apparently, it’s all in the way you choose to view the situation and my parents were masters at helping us to see the positive side. So as a leader, how can you take that same approach to the business world and create a sense of adventure with your team?
Well, here are a few good lessons from the woody wagon:
- We are all in it together! In order for teams to get on board, they need to feel safe, supported and cared for. If someone’s got your back, you’ll be in it for the long haul.
- Are we there yet? The team needs ongoing reassurance that they are on track. If the direction has changed, they need to know how to course correct along the way.
- The final destination. We may not know the journey or the exact route, but ultimately, we all know where we are headed. It will be worth it when we get there!
So chart your course and fasten your seat beat; it may be a bumpy ride. Life is one great big adventure…if you choose to see it that way.