It started as a peaceful morning. We were staying in a secluded little resort and I woke up early to explore the nature trails. The staff directed me to the small opening in the trees and I was off. I breathed in the mossy scented air, felt the stress melt away and I was instantly in my happy place.
After a kilometer, I noticed that the path was less clear. Ferns had grown over the trail and I was climbing over fallen trees and wondered which way to go next. No cell phone signal, so I pulled out my old school map and took a guess.
And then the bugs came… I started moving faster so they couldn’t keep up. I can outrun these little pests, I thought to myself. But after a few more kilometers, I still hadn’t seen a trail marker. I dodged left, then right and even back tracked for a bit. I was officially lost in the woods.
But I am a nature guy, right? Wrong!
Now I was at nature’s mercy; just another creature trying to survive in the wild. As I got deeper into the forest, the bugs got worse and I was now a loose moose running aimlessly without direction. Finally, a clearing! But it was swamp, as far as the eye could see, but no end in sight. Now I was “In the Weeds.”
Around the swamp, up a hill, back through the forest and I eventually got a cell phone signal. I sheepishly called my partner and instead of getting, “I told you so,” he jumped in the car and headed to the closest trailhead. I was located!
Covered in mud with a swarm of bugs around my head, I climbed into the car. No scolding, just pure love and a compassionate hug. “I am glad you’re okay,” he said.
Upon reflection, I realized I do this a lot. My determination gets the better of me. “I can do it myself,” becomes my talk track. Reaching out for help can feel like I am not capable or strong enough, but sometimes, I just need to be rescued.
- When have you felt lost in the forest or deep in the weeds?
- What is your typical course of action?
- Do you reach out, give up, or barrel through to find a way out?
We all need to be rescued at times and it’s okay to be a little lost. Sometimes we just have to make the call.
Adventurously yours,