“Never stop learning, because life never stops teaching.” – Unknown
This past month I have been back at Royal Roads University studying Group & Team Coaching, which has been a true joy. A friend recently asked why I decided to take the course. “You already coach teams,” she said, “lots of them.” I scratched my head and realized that, while she is right, I am still intensely curious about all of the things I don’t know! A new course makes me feel humble and fills me with a sense of wonderment – aware of how much I still have to learn to be of service to my clients.
I recall a sunny day in Victoria back in May 2012, when I was studying to be an executive coach at Royal Roads. I was prepping to deliver my first coaching session and shaking in my boots. I was just beginning the training, what value could I offer? One of the faculty pulled me aside and reassured me that I would be fine and welcomed me to “my life of learning.” I felt confused, until she explained the best part of being a coach was that there was no graduation, there would be ongoing challenges, and I would continue to learn each and every day for the rest of my career.
At Royal Roads, there is an emphasis on experiential learning and how to apply the learning in our professions. Up to 50% of the assignments are team based. Learning goes beyond just the acquisition of knowledge; it’s a process of personal and social discovery that is truly life changing.
And so I have returned, a better version of myself, enriched, more grounded and sure of my next step forward…and stillcurious about what is next.
- What is the next step in your life of learning?
- What are you deeply curious about?
- What knowledge would provide your clients the greatest impact?
Spring forth, my friends, the time is now.