David Graham
| 2016/06/27
A country tune came on. I threw my hat on and danced across the kitchen. I imagined what it would be like to be a country singer in a huge stadium with adoring fans singing along. Women would swoon and men would want to be like me. “Wow!” I screamed out loud, “in my next life I am coming back as a country singer!” And then I recalled an innocent time in my life that I thought that would be…
David Graham
| 2016/06/01
Click the image below to view the full June 2016 Newsletter:
David Graham
| 2016/05/29
After 16 years of living in the same area, we are making the move to a different neighbourhood. It has been an emotional journey that has reminded me that change is not always comfortable. As a coach, I encourage my clients to step out of their comfort zone and embrace change, but perhaps rather than pushing out of what’s comfortable, we should gently ease into the discomfort, and slowly accept the change. Not too long ago I was facilitating a…
David Graham
| 2016/05/02
Click on the image below to view the May 2016 Newsletter:
My EDGE3 Experience by Dr. Naresh Vempala, Research Scientist In life and career, we all come to a point where we take a pause to evaluate our journey that has been, to determine the journey that lies ahead. Having arrived at that point, I found I am not quite the leader that I envisioned myself to be. I felt that there was a key ingredient missing from my professional life. While I knew something was missing, I couldn’t put my…
David Graham
| 2016/04/18
It was one of those magical days that I’ve only experienced a few times before, a hot sunny day in April when the ice on the lake begins to thaw. It lasts for only a short time when something gives and the thick layer of ice turns to slush. It’s the most amazing time to be in a kayak! With every stroke you chip away at what has been still for months and with new life the ripples are…
David Graham
| 2016/04/02
Click on the image below to view the full April 2016 Newsletter:
David Graham
| 2016/03/01
Click the image below to view the March 2016 Newsletter:
David Graham
| 2016/02/24
Looking back at the team building workshops that we’ve designed for our clients, one of the most cost-effective, yet impactful approaches has been with Book Clubs. The simplicity of its structure and the shared learning leads to some pretty impressive results. So how does it work? CREATE A CULTURE OF LEARNING One of the things that high performers tell me is that they want to continue to learn and grow. By setting a deadline in the calendar, reading becomes a priority and as…
Culture Flip: A Swedish Perspective by Megan Cosgrove. My career started like many others I know – in a rush. I began my first full-time job while still in the final exam period of my fourth year at University. I didn’t breathe between earning my degree and receiving my first pay cheque as a professional. I kept the blinders on as I moved, elbowed, and clawed my way through the rat race. Until my spouse came home from work with a job offer…