David Graham
| 2018/11/29
So, it’s been a difficult month. A crash and burn, soul sucking, maybe I am in the wrong job kind of month… Okay, so I may have exaggerated for effect, but that’s how it can feel at times. And when it does, it’s easy to fall into the trap of playing the victim.
David Graham
| 2018/11/28
Download our December Desktop Calendar.
David Graham
| 2018/10/30
In a recent coaching session, I was working with a leader to coach his team more effectively. He proudly shared that he had been setting up regular one-to-one sessions with his team, but one direct report just didn’t seem to be getting it.
There seems to be little wiggle room for where people land when it comes to assertiveness on the EQ scales. It’s either high or it’s low and there is nothing in between…
David Graham
| 2018/09/30
I was so fortunate to spend most of last month up in Muskoka. Client facing work was a little less busy in the city and I had the pleasure of hosting our EDGE3 Retreats on Cherry Island.
David Graham
| 2018/09/30
This past month, I had the pleasure of coaching a busy professional who had recently gone into business for herself. She was enjoying the newfound freedom…
David Graham
| 2018/09/04
You may notice that this month’s newsletter looks a little different… This is a BIG step for us! It’s time for a refresh, a reboot, a new start. So here it is, the NEW EDGE3!
Curiosity is Key by Megan Cosgrove. Back to school seems to be on everyone’s mind. My favourite part of this time of year is that the questions I get from my daughter after school return. Last June, my favourite was a follow-up to a lesson on how dinosaurs went extinct. She sat in the back of the car driving home, telling me all about the classroom lesson. Her five-year-old self was silent for a few minutes, and then she asked, “Mom,…
David Graham
| 2018/08/26
On the top of my list of favourite things to do is jumping off the dock… A carefree moment of absolute bliss, hanging in midair for a brief moment, and then, in a split second, everything changes. I am immersed in a different world. A refreshing shock to my system, a reboot of my senses, and everything is peaceful… It’s as if all of the stress simply washes away. I often struggle with how to create that same rejuvenation while I…
David Graham
| 2018/01/16
Celebration is a building block for great teams. But many of the groups that I coach consistently tell me that they wish they took the opportunity to celebrate more often. High performing teams seem to be on to the next challenge before they’ve even had a chance to come up for air. As leaders, it’s our job to hit the pause button…and crack the champagne! Before you pop the cork, take the time to consider the specifics. Feedback lands best…