Nature in the City Since 2011, EDGE3 has been coaching Canadian leaders and executives, building teams, and hosting a variety of employee engagement events. We help people find inspiration to develop the tools necessary to be the most successful and effective versions of themselves. We strive to make experiences as fun and engaging as possible, doing so in the most creative and inspiring spaces for our clients. The most inspiring place for us, and what has driven our business ethos,…
David Graham
| 2016/10/04
Click the image below for the full October 2016 Newsletter:
David Graham
| 2016/09/26
One of my greatest pleasures with running EDGE3 is getting teams out of the boardroom and into nature. It also happens to be one of our greatest challenges. It’s tough for a business to close shop for a day or two, and understandably a leader wants to know the value. “What lasting impact is it going to have on our team?” As I reflect on my most recent team-building event, an immersive experience on a private island in Muskoka, I…
David Graham
| 2016/09/01
Click on the image to view the full September 2016 Newsletter:
How Do I Start The Reset? by Devon Domanski. Sometimes I wish I could be more like my technology; when not performing optimally, just power off or unplug, then restart in hopes of better results. For people, it SHOULD be as easy as turning off and starting again – “I’m going off the grid so I can face the world again, refreshed!!” – it’s sadly not, for many of us. Aside from why you don’t really NEED a reset, or…
David Graham
| 2016/08/02
Click on the image below to view the August 2016 Newsletter:
Are You In Your Element? by Devon Domanski. One phrase came up recently for me, and I’ve really been thinking about it a lot and its connection to nature. Someone said to me, “I’m fighting fires at the office, right now!” Thankfully they weren’t literally faced with blazing piles of paper, computers spontaneously combusting, or exploding equipment, but they were definitely punctuating the level of stress they faced in that situation. Does this seem familiar to you? Maybe you’ve said…
David Graham
| 2016/07/26
Every day we have a free, all access pass to the greatest show on earth. Some of us view it from our window, while the rest of us can go for a short walk to capture an unobstructed view. Two shows daily, and no need to RSVP, or order tickets. There is no expectation other than to pause and take notice. The curtain rises in the morning and the sun hits the stage for a breathtaking opening act. What am I…
David Graham
| 2016/07/01
Click on the image below to view the full July 2016 Newsletter:
David Graham
| 2016/06/27
I’ve always believed that the smallest gestures with the purest intention can make the biggest difference. That is why I continue to participate in the TriAdventure and to support the Nikibasika program; a small but mighty group committed to a powerful cause. In August, I’ll be joining a team of athletes to swim 3km, run 15km, canoe 15km and cycle 140km to fund an orphanage in Uganda. For the first many years the event provided these 51 vulnerable kids with food…